Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thank you!

I just wanted to take a minute and truly thank all of the parents from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity of having your child or children at Timpanogos School of Dance. They all did so well last night, and as I watch them as they are backstage and as they perform, my heart just has so much love for each and every one of them. It is such a privilege to work with such beautiful girls with so much talent and potential. It is wonderful to see the confidence that dancing gives to these girls. And there is nothing better than seeing a little girl come off the stage smiling and hear her little voice say, "Miss Heidi, I did it!" So, again, thank you so much for choosing Timpanogos School of Dance.

There were a few items left at the recital last night, so if you are missing anything, please contact me and I will see if I have it.

Big Think Marketing is fantastic about getting our DVDs out to us. I know she is working hard to get them done for us. I will let you know via email when they are done and where you can pick them up. I have had a few people that didn't realize that everyone gets a copy of the DVD, so if you aren't aware of that, your performance fee does include a copy of the DVD. I can't wait to see it!

Fall registration is still open and there are some spaces available in most of the classes, so if you haven't registered for fall, do so soon! Also, we want to reuse any of the beautiful costumes that we can for next year, so please hang on to them and keep them in good shape. I will let you know as soon as I can which ones we will reuse. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. I look forward to seeing you and your children in the fall! Classes start the week of September 4th.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June Newsletter

June Newsletter

            Can you believe it is almost time for our Beatles Mania performance?  Your children are just finishing cleaning and polishing up their dances. It is vital that they be at their classes this week and next week! Please do everything you can to get them there. I know the teachers appreciate it.
COSTUMES:             Costumes are being handed out this week to anyone with a $0 account balance. Please check your account and make sure your child can take home their costume! If you have any questions on your account, please call Heidi. Also, please read the flyer attached to your child’s costume. There are several things that you may need to provide, including correct tights and shoes. Make sure you mark your child’s things with their name before the performance. We end up with several things at the end of the show that we don’t know who they belong to, and I know not many of us really want to have to go buy new shoes!

VENUE CHANGE:   Please remember that we have had a venue change for the performance. We will be performing at the Covey Center at 425 West Center Street in Provo instead of American Fork High School. If you need directions to get there, please contact me and let me know.

PICTURES:               Pictures for Beatles Mania will be Monday, June 18th at Cory Adams Photography in American Fork. Please check the flyer attached to your costume for your assigned time slot. To get to Cory Adams, go over the Pleasant Grove Blvd. overpass like you are going to the Green Waste, keep going over the railroad tracks, and there is a building on the left that has a big Cory Adams sign on it. Please have your child at pictures, even if you are not ordering them. The kids love to remember all of the people in their class and they like to see themselves on the wall.

MANDATORY DRESS REHEARSAL: Mandatory Dress Rehearsal and Spacing for Beatles Mania will be on Monday, June 18th at the Covey Center. Please check the flyers attached to your costumes for times you need to be there. Remember, this is a mandatory rehearsal. Combo classes need to be there for their spacing rehearsal and finale rehearsal, but may go after that. However, if you feel you can stay, we would love to have as many combo girls as possible stay for the finale run through at 4:30. Everyone else is required to be to all rehearsals and the run through.
PERFORMANCE:    Beatles Mania performance is Monday, June 18 at 7:30pm at the Covey Center. Students need to be there by 7:00 ready to go. Doors to the theatre will open at 7:00. Please remember that there is no food in the Covey Center. You may get your child ready before the performance backstage rather than driving home, but there will not be supervision before 7:00, so you will need to be there with them. Please remind your child to tuck in their ballet shoe laces, no gum, and to SMILE, SMILE, SMILE!

USHERS:                   We need 4 ushers to stand at the front door before the performance. If any of you are interested in doing this, we will credit your account your entire registration fee. Please contact Heidi if you want to do that.

ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: At the performance, parents can park on the South side of the Covey Center. On the southwest side, there is a tunnel that goes down to a doorway for the performers. Please take your child there and drop them off at 7:00. No one but performers are allowed through this entrance. We will have 8 dressing rooms, and each child is assigned to a specific one. I will email you with the specific room your child will need to go to. Please talk to your child and let them know where to go. There will be teachers in each room and in the hall to help them, also.

NO SUMMER DANCE: Thank you to those who signed up for Summer Sessions of Dance. Enrollment for summer was low, so we are canceling classes for Summer. We will see you in the fall!

FALL REGISTRATION: Make sure you are registered for Fall Classes! Classes will start September 4th at Stone Gate Center for the Arts!

This has been a wonderful year, and the girls look great! Thank you for letting us teach your child. We love them and appreciate you!

Heidi Panter

Monday, June 4, 2012


Just a reminder... June tuition is now due and Costumes will be handed out this week, but only to those whose account balance is $0. Please make sure your account is paid in full. Thank you! We are looking forward to seeing your beautiful children in these gorgeous costumes!!!