Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Star Student of the Month

Our Star Student of the Month is... EMMA!

Emma is always working hard and she smiles through difficult things. She doesn’t let hard things get her down. She is constantly improving each week and we are impressed at how hard she works. We know this girl can go far! So glad to have her at Timp School of Dance!

Shoe and Dancewear Swap

April 14-May 1

Want to sell some of your dancewear or shoes that are too small or that you don’t use any more? Bring them to the studio in a clear zip lock bag labeled with your name, item in bag, size, and amount you would like for it. Check back to see if it sold!

See something you would like? Take the item from the bag, place the specified amount of money in the bag, set the bag back on the table or give it to Heidi for safe keeping!

This is done on an honor system, so please be honest!

Thanks! Timp School of Dance