Friday, August 30, 2013

New Sprung Floor in Studio

Hi! Can you believe that dance starts Tuesday?!? I'm so excited! But I do want to make you all aware of a few things...

 Our studio has been in the process of getting a new roof. In the heavy rains we got the other day, our roof wasn't quite done and our studio flooded. Good news is we now have a brand new roof. Bad news is quite a bit of damage was done in the studio. There has been a crew at the studio working almost 24/7 to make sure that it is in top notch condition for us to start dance Tuesday. The only problem was one of the main things that got ruined was the back studio's floor. We had to tear the floor completely out and replace it. While we were having to replace the floor, we made the decision to upgrade the floor to a professional sprung dance floor with marley on it. This, however, takes a little longer than just laying down wood. So, if you have any classes in the back studio, just know that for the first couple of weeks, we will be dancing on an unfinished wood floor. I know that is not prime conditions, however I feel like having a sprung dance floor with marley on it is going to benefit every dancer in the studio. As dancers progress and take more hours, having this floor will be better on their joints, help eliminate repetitive stress injuries and it also slip resistant. So, please be patient while we finish getting this put in. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks! I'm excited to see you next week!